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Expo Router Fullstack Apps
15 videos 1 hrs 39 mins 04 March 2024

Course Decription

In this course, you will learn how to build fullstack apps with Expo Router v3 and React Native. We will dive into Expo Router and the file-based routing system, as well as the API routes that were introduced in version 3.

What will I learn?

  • πŸ”₯ Create Stack, Tabs and Drawer navigation
  • πŸ”€ Understand nested navigation and the file-based view hierachy
  • πŸ” Secure pages and routes of your app
  • ✨ Define API routes in your project
  • πŸš€ Work with secret keys and deploy your API

Prepare yourself for an adventure into the world of fullstack apps with Expo Router v3 and be ready to expand your mind to see what’s possible. Let’s get started!

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⚑️ Getting Started

Course Overview

What are we going to build with Expo Router? Take a look at the course overview to find out!

3 min

Expo Router Introduction

In this lesson, we will learn how to create a new Expo app with file-based routing and how it is structured.

6 min

πŸ”€ Navigation

Stack Navigation

Learn how to use the Stack Navigator to navigate between screens in your React Native app.

11 min

Opening a Modal

Let's quickly check out how to open a modal.

3 min

Displaying a Tab Bar

In this video, we'll add a tab bar to our app.

6 min

Custom Tab Bar Actions

Learn to use a custom action button in your tab bar.

3 min

Creating a Drawer Menu

Learn how to create a drawer menu around our tabs, use a DrawerToggleButton and control it from code.

10 min

Nested Stack Navigation

In this video, we'll learn how to navigate between screens in a nested stack navigator. We'll also learn how to pass parameters to the nested page, and how to navigate outside the tab bar.

12 min

πŸ” Authentication

Creating an Auth Context

In this lesson, we will learn how to create a new Expo app with file-based routing and how it is structured.

7 min

Protecting Pages with Expo Router

In this video, we'll learn how to protect pages with Expo Router. We'll use the `useAuth` hook to check if the user is authenticated and redirect them to the login page if they are not.

8 min

πŸš€ API Routes

Creating API Routes

Learn the basics of creating API Routes with Expo Router in your React Native app.

5 min

Authenticated API Calls

Learn to extract auth headers and make authenticated API calls.

6 min

Secret Environment Keys

Learn how to use secret environment keys in your API Routes to call the OpenAI API.

7 min

Deploying the Expo API

This video shows how to deploy the Expo API with a local Node server or to Netlify.

8 min

Expo Router Fullstack API Ideas

We wrap up the course with a few ideas for fullstack APIs you can build with the knowledge you've gained, and what's possible with Expo Router in the future.

4 min